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Download Journal font - journal.ttf by Myfonts free

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Download free Journal font by Myfonts free free for Personal Use. Font list: journal.ttf,
  • Journal font
  • Journal font
  • Journal font
  • Journal font

Although the original Journal system is intended to be quite a minimal and clean style, many bullet journalists – like myself – have found that they can use their journal also as a tool to spark creativity.

My journal is definitely a mix of a planner system and a creative outlet at this point. And one area that I am working hard to improve is my handwriting and calligraphy skills.

So today I have created a post about journal handwriting fonts to give you some inspiration for journaling fonts you can try. If you love getting creative with your Bujo then you will love experimenting with bullet journaling fonts.

Not every font will be as easy to replicate. Make sure you take the time to practice your bullet journal handwriting. This is also the only way to improve cursive handwriting, so don’t skip the practice.

This font is free for PERSONAL AND COMMERCIAL USE.

Journal Font

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Free for Personal Use

This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.

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  • Journal Regular | journal.ttf
    Journal Regular font - journal.ttf

Journal Regular | journal.ttf

  • Font family: Journal
  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
  • Unique identifier: Fontographer 4. 7 Journal
  • Full font name: Journal
  • Version: Fontographer 4. 7 19­03­08 FG4M­0000001451
  • Postscript font name: Journal

Freeware License

This font was found on the internet and did not come with a license. While we try to make sure that all the fonts on are properly licensed for commercial use, there are many fonts that have either been abandoned by their authors or the authors distribute their fonts without an explicit license.

It is our opinion that if the unlicensed font is freely available for download from either the original source or from multiple free-font sites then we assume it to be safe to use the font commercially. This is no guarantee of such freedom, but there are so many unlicensed free fonts distributed by primary sources that the intentions must be read that the font is free to use how you like.

We are not lawyers and don't pretend to be them on TV. Please report any errors/violations you know of.

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