The sleek signature style combined with bold sans
Lucyna Font Duo is a pair of fonts that combine signature style, Lucyna Script and sans serif, Lucyna Sans.
Lucyna Script is a handwritten typeface that gives you a relaxed yet beautiful style for your design. The sleek signature style is perfect for photography and beauty business logos, invitations, headlines, posters and more.
Lucyna Sans is a sans serif font specially paired with Lucyna Script. Thick but rounded shape gives a strong but not rigid impression. You can mix and match these two fonts to create a casual yet classy design.
Lucyna Font Duo is suitable for logotype, invite, poster and more. Available in OTF and TTF formats, also supports multi-language and PUA encoded.
Walking Distance Duo font | Letterhend Studio
Hello Shophia Duo font | DN Creative
Harvest Bailey Duo font | Myfonts free
Magic Popcorn Duo font | DN Creative
Katurana font | JNJstudio
Vayentha Duo font | Myfonts free
Vogluxe Duo font | glyphminds.studios
Price Mart Demo font | Myfonts free