Mastels - Handwritten Script will work perfectly for fashion, e-commerce brands, trend blogs, etc.
Mastels - Handwritten Script is a handwritten script typeface based on the expression of real handwriting. Mastels - Handwritten Script will work perfectly for fashion, e-commerce brands, trend blogs, wedding boutiques or any business that wants to appear upscale and chic.
Mastels - Handwritten Script also Suitable for Logo, greeting cards, quotes, posters, branding, name card, stationary, design title, blog header, art quote, typography, art, modern envelope lettering or book design, happening style like handdrawn design or watercolor design theme, craft design, any DIY project, book title, or any purpose to make your art/design project look pretty and trendy.
Product Content : Mastels Regular OTF & TTF Mastels Italic OTF & TTF
Features : Uppercase & Lowercase Standard & Special Ligatures Numerals & Punctuations (OpenType Standard) Accents/Multilingual characters (AÀÁÂÃÄÅCÇDÐEÈÉÊËIÌÍÎÏNÑOØÒÓÔÕÖUÙÜÚÛWYÝŸỲŸÆŒßÞ) PUA Encoded
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