Phillia is minimal and essential signature script that you can use for any purpose!
Introducing, Phillia, a minimalist signature font!
Phillia is minimal and essential signature script that you can use for any purpose such as your own customized signature, logo design, even quotes. You also can use this font for pairing to another font like sans and script. For additional purpose, this font also contains contextual alternates that you can activated from opentype features in Adobe . This font is also support multi language.
To add the line in under the text, type underscore + number (from 1 to 3).
Disney font | Minimalist Eyes
Paper Inline Display font | Minimalist Eyes
Mama Loves font | Minimalist Eyes
Mom Baby Display font | Minimalist Eyes
Mahameru DEMO font | NamelaType
Minimalist Handmade Display font | creativeletter
Minimalist Style font | Pian45 Studio
Handmade Grinchese font | Minimalist Eyes