A font with a touch of modern signature style useful to beautify every sentence written.
Introducing Talliya Signature Font. A font with a touch of modern signature style useful to beautify every sentence written.
Talliya is built with Opentype features with additional ligatures and multilingual support.
With various ligatures, thus making it more varied. With modern calligraphy style for your daily and project needs ex: logo, fashion, label, photography watermark, quotes, blog header, poster, wedding, invitation, stationery, branding, letter, etc.
If you have any questions at all, feel free to send me a private message, I'm always more than happy to help you along :)
Thank you!
Baby Sela font | DN Creative
Molandia Desember font | SlideShoot
Belisma Kimono font | Timur Type
Magical Signature Personal Use font | zeenesia
Righten font | Fikryalstudio
Vimoty - Personal Use font | Sakha Design
Daylight Welington font | Essentials Studio
Kaguri font | Sakha Design